Sunday 18 December 2011

Baking Baking Baking

I wanted to share my thoughts on baking

I am a terrible baker, I love baking but I'm not very good. I burn cakes and overcook cupcakes, I under fill patty pans and my cakes come out dry and not very appetising.

There will come a time one day that I may succeed but until then its back to trial and error, much to my taste testers disgust.

I find baking very relaxing, stir here, whisk there, fold in and pour out, There is nothing I would love more than being able to bake a spectacular tasting cake, this would make me a happy chap.

It is now time for me to get back to reading my cupcake murder mystery and dreaming about marshmallow fondant.

Until next time

Keep Calm and Eat Cupcakes :)


Wednesday 14 December 2011

Christmasy Cup e Cakes!!

Hi Everyone!

Just wanted to share my Christmas cupcakes, I did these for my daughters dance presentation night and was really hoping they would be a hit....and they WERE!!

This is a basic vanilla cupcake stuffed with peppermint buttercream and topped with edible Christmas trees to add a touch of Christmas magic I decided to use some edible glitter to finish them off.

I really enjoyed making them and I have to admit the photos don't do them any justice but please enjoy!

Keep calm and eat cupcakes



Saturday 10 December 2011

Things that make you go MMMMMMMM

The last two weeks I have been battling with urge to cook and bake and decorate and EAT!

I have all these amazing ideas for christmas decorating and baking there is just no time to do it all my baking schedule is looking like this:

Tuesday - Cupcakes for dancing breakup party, my idea initially was to do a ballet slipper slab cake or some tutu cupcakes but sadly due to time constraints I had to change my mind. Now I am in the middle of prepping mini christmas trees cupcakes decorated out of snowflake sugarpaste and stacked up to create a christmas tree, Im adding a touch of edible blue glitter with some silver sugar balls and they should look divine.
 (heres hoping)

Sunday - I have a first birthday which I have just sadly found out I cant attend due to our annual extended family christmas day, I promised I would make a very special fairy tale themed cake, very girly was the instruction. This I haven't made my mind up about exactly what this is but photos will be posted later on and I will share my thoughts later.

Sunday - On top of the birthday cake I did say I would do a christmas cake for the family, my idea was to use the 3 different sized pudding tins to create a rounded christmas tree and decorated accordingly, this should look lovely as I wanted to create a very simplistic classy looking tree that wasn't over the top but was eye catching.

On top of all that I am making christmas bark as a christmas present for my aunts and uncles as something a little different, every year I give them token gifts which quite frankly are useless and a waste of money, so I figure this year I will cook a range of delectable treats.  Who doesn't get the odd surprise visitor during this busy time of year and its great to have something scrumptious on hand to offer with a cup of tea.

I will endeavour to up load photos as soon as they are taken to share with you what I create over the silly season.

Till next time

Keep calm and eat cupcakes

