Happy New Year!
I hope 2012 brings you all your dreams, I know I am (fingers crossed) well on my way to fulfilling my 2012 goals.
Today I enrolled in a Wilton level 1 course, thankfully I pulled my head in and stopped procrastinating and just did it, I look forward to starting those classes once a week I'm hoping I pick up some great tips on piping and sugar flowers which will only help to create better and more beautiful cakes.
I also was given the opportunity to teach a dance class once a week, I will find out in due course if this is going ahead or not but if so I am really looking forward to the possibility of completing my teaching exams, I have missed dance teaching like you wouldn't believe and when given this chance a huge range of emotions came flooding in fear, suspense, excitement, pride and just pure happiness.
Maybe one day I can combine two of my favourite things cake decorating and dance.....don't ask me how but you never know.
Until next time
Keep Calm and Eat A Cupcake
Rainy x
Exactly, You never know And yes I read all your blogs too heh heh